There are many times when you can call for help in an emergency. There are emergency plumbers and other types of emergency trades, but when you are struggling with a roof problem due to a storm, a roofing contractor can’t safely fix the issue until the storm is over, leaving you with a gap in time for you to withstand until the storm blows over. Here at Reynolds Roofing, we will try to get to you as soon as we can if you have need roof repairs due to storm damage. Until we can reach and perform your roof repair, try some of the following tips.
You’re going to want to minimize the damage as best you can. This means removing any valuables from any areas that might be leaking or affected by the storm. After that, you’ll want to contain the water. Water that flows in from a leaky roof or damage will continue to flow until it finds a way out of the attic area. Sometimes this is through lights, ceiling fans or vents, and other times you’ll start to notice bubbles of water forming. These bubbles can be “popped” carefully to minimize damage. Simply use a screwdriver or knitting needle to make a small hole in the middle of the bubble and allow the water to strategically drain. This helps to minimize water damage. Once the storm settles or has passed, if you can safely reach your roof to place a tarp over the damaged area, that will be a great help once roofing contractors arrive.
For more information on staying safe during storms until roof repairs can be done, check with a roofing contractor like ours at Reynolds Roofing.